Since the team is dedicated to teaching and school life, we advise you to contact us by email at, which is the quickest and easiest way to reach us.

School Directors


Caroline Sost, principal: Living School’s director, founder and teacher. She was a former human resources manager responsible for training in an international corporation. She was also a primary school substitute teacher (private and Montessori). She is graduate of the ESCP (Paris Business School)and has a Master’s degree in Ethics Leadership Development and a Master’s degree in Education Sciences. She is also the president of the Savoir-être & education organization (


Anne-Sophie de Oliveira, joint-director and French teacher for our 2nd and 4th grade combined class. After receiving her Master´s in Modern French and English Languages and Literature at Coimbra University in Portugal, Anne-Sophie specialized in Education at the University of Ottawa in Canada where she taught a Second Grade class. Since her return to France, she was an educator´s assistant at a school and organized English workshops for children 3-5 years old. Currently, she is working on her Master´s for the Development of Ethical Leadership. Anne-Sophie is bilingual in French and Portuguese and she also speaks English fluently.

Coordinator for extra-curricular and eco-citizen activities


Mauve Doyen: After-School and Ecocitizenship activities Coordinator. With her Master´s in Anthropology and training in dance and music, Mauve coordinated activities and worked with teenagers and children in different parts of the world for six years. She has, most notably, traveled to Cameroon, Mali, and to the Antilles Islands where she spearheaded education projects. She also co-organizes and teaches the Wednesday English Club and Vacation Clubs at Living School. Mauve is studying the Dalcroze music teaching approach.

Francophone Teachers and Animators


Fatouman Drissa: French teacher in our “Toute Petite” and “Petite” sections since the rentrée of 2011. Fatouman has an incredible background, full of life experiences that reflect fully our philosophies of potential and evolution. To pursue her true vocation, she completed two very successful internships with us and received her diploma to work with young children. She then spent two years with us working in the “maternelle” sections. Now Fatouman is an integral part of our team and is an excellent teacher with her enduring spirit of generosity and loving heart! Fatouman is originally from the Ivory Coast and has 4 beautiful children.


Benjamin de Broissia: Teacher for our pre-school and kindergarten bridge class. We have worked regularly with Benjamin as a substitute teacher and during our holiday clubs. Benjamin has worked for years with children. He is trained as an ethnologist, and has just completed an art-therapy course. He plays the cello and accompanies a storyteller during shows for children.

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Andrea Hernandez Diaz : Wednesday Club and Vacation Club animator, Andrea also joins Fatouman in the afternoons in Class 1. As you can tell by her name, Andrea comes to us from Spain! Holding a Master’s in Psychopedagogy, she has worked closely with children since 2003, first as a Spanish and English teacher. She has had numerous international experiences: in a school in Bristol, in an orphanage in Uganda, in a middle school in Mexico and even with children in the streets of Madrid. She also taught for 2 years in Grenada in an alternative nursery and primary school. She is passionate about theatre and the creation of marionnettes!

Anglophone Teachers and Animators


Julie Foubert: English-language teacher in Class 3, 1st and 3rd grade, and animator for Club 3. Julie is American, and has a B.A. in French and in Literature. She has completed two internships in savoir-être since joining Living School in 2011, and has several years’ experience teaching in ESL environments. She spent 2010-2011 in Warsaw, Poland, where she taught children in a primary bilingual school. She is dynamic and full of creativity! Julie is also a certified yoga teacher and a trained dancer (15 years’ experience). Just imagine our next end-of-year show!


Mika Shiozawa: Wednesday English Club Teacher and English Substitute Teacher. Mika is American and French with Japanese origins (from her father). She has eight years of experience working with children, first as a nanny and then as a French teacher for children 3-6 years old. Passionate about meaning and contribution, she also worked in the non-profit sector. She traveled to Asia and the United States. She joined our team in 2009.

Administrative Team

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Patricia Rilcy : “Living School, this is Patricia!” Patricia is a dynamic woman with a huge heart. She is the main contact for families for all practical and essential matters: cantine, after-school care, billing, absences…Before joining the team she worked as a receptionist and medical secretary. After these experiences, she returned to her studies to obtain her diploma in Secretarial and Commercial Administration. She loves children (she has 2 older boys) and she even had an experience as a primary teacher’s assistant at the beginning of her professional career – so one can safely say that she’s in the right place with us!

The Maintenance and Kitchen Team


Siva Nithianandan: Siva is our cook. She is originally from Sri-Lanka. She used to teach music to children. In France, she has been working in school to help during the meal. Thanks to her diverse competencies we may even have musical meals!


Elisabeth Marquès: Elisabeth is in charge of meals and hygiene at Darius Milhaud. She is a resident of the 19th arrodissement, and she is also the cleaning team at “La Maison des Lutins”, the crèche opposite our school. With Elisabeth on board, the little children at Darius Milhaud will now be able to enjoy their meals on site.


Annette Jeanty : Our wonderful cleaning and maintenance staff member from the business COFREM. Annette means “grace, favor,” and is a perfect fit for her! She is always smiling and meets head-on the daily challenge of maintaining the upkeep of the big school.

Le réseau de formatrices pour les ateliers


Véronique Chabernaud : Animatrice des ateliers parents et des ateliers vitalité pour les enfants. Associée de Living School et fondatrice de Créer la Vitalité. Médecin cancérologue de formation, diplômée de l’ESSEC, Véronique a suivi le Master pour le Développement du Leadership Ethique. C’est lors de cette formation qu’elle a souhaité se réorienter pour quitter le secteur de la pathologie et la maladie et œuvrer plus en amont à la prévention, la promotion de la santé et de la vitalité. Formatrice hors pair, elle anime avec humour, enthousiasme et justesse les ateliers parents, qui sont de vrais moments d’évolution !


Elodie Beaucent : Animatrice des ateliers parents et des ateliers vitalité pour les enfants. Associée de Living School et fondatrice de Food’Joie. Après une école de commerce et quelques expériences en entreprise, Elodie a voyagé dans plusieurs pays d’Asie et a été bénévole pendant 2 ans en soutien scolaire. Elle a été animatrice au club anglophone pendant plusieurs années. Elle est diplômée du Master pour le Développement d’un Leadership Ethique et la jeune maman d’un petit Livio.


Sophie Cabella: Première enseignante à Living School et maintenant porteuse du projet de crèches innovantes Les Petits Trésors Titulaire d’une licence d’anglais et passionnée par les enfants, Sophie intervient dans les écoles depuis 12 ans. C’est au cours du Master pour le Développement d’un Leadership Ethique qu’elle a trouvé son projet de vie : créer des crèches innovantes pour épanouir les plus petits en s’appuyant sur le savoir-être et des méthodes de maternantes qui ont fait leurs preuves. Sophie est en recherche d’un local dans le 19ème, nous avons hâte que nos structures soient voisines !

The International Network


Adrienne Heim, anglophone teacher. Adrienne taught in New York City public schools for five years as a bilingual (English/Spanish) elementary teacher. She has her Master´s in Bilingual Education and she is the educational consultant to a recently published book entitled, «Our Mother Africa.» Her interest in the environment and in sustainable development is evident by a scientific mission she participated in called «Teacher at Sea» program where she worked to preserve rich marine resources in the Atlantic Ocean and study marine biology.


Andrea Perdue: former anglophone teacher for Toute Petite Section and Petite Section with Fatouman, and club animator. Andrea comes from Kansas. She is passionate about language and did her studies in speech-language pathology and translation. She worked in a preschool for children with communication disorders before coming to Paris as an au pair for a family with two children. During her time as an au pair, she taught English classes every Saturday for a group of 7-year-olds. As she was looking to add deeper meaning to her professional activities, she was thrilled to join Living School! Andrea is also a musician. She composes, sings, and plays piano and ukulele. She has now returned to Kansas with her husband, and is completing her Master’s in French Literature.

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